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Harvard Business School develops case study and publishes paper on the PharmAccess approach

The prestigious Harvard Business School has developed a case study on PharmAccess and the M-TIBA platform on leveraging digital technology in the developing world. This case study has already been used as part of the curriculum of a course at among others Duke University.

The authors also adapted the case study into an academic article that was recently published in the HMPI (Health Policy, Management and Innovation) journal. The journal highlights the experience of our organization with private-sector health delivery.

Harvard Business School describes PharmAccess ‘’as a platform for new private healthcare economy, which uses a three-pronged approach addressing supply and demand: certifying quality of care (SafeCare), offering micro-finance for providers (MCF) and facilitating mobile payment to improve access to high quality care (M-TIBA)’’. The ultimate goal of this approach is, according to both Harvard and Schellekens, to reverse the vicious cycle and build trust in the healthcare market because, if there is trust the healthcare market can become stronger.

Read the article here

The case study is publicly available for purchase on the Harvard Business School website


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