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IFC, Dutch Embassy and PharmAccess organize healthcare seminar

The Dutch Embassy in Nigeria and the Dutch organization PharmAccess will organize a health care seminar in Lagos.

  • Jun 16, 2014

On June 18th, IFC, the Dutch Embassy in Nigeria and the Dutch organization PharmAccess will organize a health care seminar in Lagos, themed ‘Healthcare developments, collaborations and health financing in Nigeria.’ The seminar is organized on the occasion of the trade mission of Dutch Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Lilianne Ploumen, who is accompanied by a business delegation from the Netherlands. During the seminar stakeholders from the public and private sector will attend the conference to discuss topics such as the value of public-private partnerships in health a
nd financing opportunities of health projects. After theseminar a plenary session is scheduled with Minister Ploumen and Minister Aganga of Industry, Trade and Investment.


The seminar will take place in the Federal Palace Hotel in Lagos and is on invitation only. Special guests are among others Lead Health Sector Specialist with the World Bank Khama Rogo, Permanent Secretary of the Federal Ministy of Health Linus Awute, Director of IFC in Nigeria Solomon Quaynor, Dutch Ambassador to Nigeria John Groffen and Dutch Minister Lilianne Ploumen, who will give a presentation on the Dutch approach to global health care challenges.


Trade mission

Minister Ploumen and the Dutch business delegation will visit Nigeria and Ghana between 16-20 June. Goal of the mission is to identify and facilitate new alliances and opportunities that will benefit the countries. It underpins the aim of the Netherlands to expand its economic relations into a broad-based trade and investment partnership. In the case of Ghana a focus on development cooperation is rapidly shifting towards a partnership based on trade and investment. Nigeria, the largest economy of sub-Saharan Africa, has been a major trading partner for the Netherlands, and their mutual aim is to achieve further diversification in our trade relations.

Key objectives include identifying mutual advantages, promoting inclusive growth, fostering sustainable production practices and advancing the principles of corporate social responsibility. The business delegation represent various sectors, including agri-food, horticulture, maritime logistics and life sciences & health. These companies offer innovative, high quality expertise and sophisticated solutions to important challenges such as food security, infrastructure development and health issues.

For more information on seminar please the draft agenda: click here