As a reward, they will enjoy one year of free healthcare services, allowing them more money to invest in their farm.
This milestone signifies an exponential growth in enrolment since the launch of the KNCU Health Plan two years ago. The initiative was established to provide affordable and quality healthcare to coffee farmers in rural societies affiliated with KNCU, Tanzania’s largest smallholder coffee buyer. It covers primary health care, chronic conditions, and ante and postnatal care through contracted healthcare providers nearest to the coffee farmer’s residence.
”We were persuaded to join the Health Plan two months ago by our youngest daughter who had enrolled and was accessing healthcare services at the improved Mashati RC Dispensary” said Federica.
The network of providers under the Health Plan currently stands at 16 providers and is expected to rise to 21 by the end of 2013. In line with the philosophy of PharmAccess, every provider is also enrolled into SafeCare, a stepwise quality improvement program, and providers can apply for technical assistance and loans in order to improve the standards in their facility.