The sold-out audience in Munich were given a live onstage demonstration of the pioneering work with CarePay Limited that is harnessing digital innovation and mobile technology to widen health access and insurance opportunities to people across Nigeria, Kenya and Tanzania. The ”Show & Tell” session also offered a vital platform to raise awareness, more broadly, around expanding health access and insurance to individuals and families in Africa for an audience of executives and change agents at insurance firms.

Our DIA Munich 2018 team consisted of Kees van Lede, CEO CarePay Ltd., Njide Ndili, PharmAccess Country Director Nigeria, and Julia Teerling, Head of Data Innovations PharmAccess. The joint presentation showed how the strategic partnership between the two organization’s is pushing technology to the forefront to bring new health coverage options for Kenyans, Nigerians and Tanzanians. In the context of the global push for Universal Health Care by 2030, a digital health platform facilitating access to health insurance to millions through their phone this is more important than ever. Expanding health coverage is vital so families have every chance to protect themselves against catastrophic health expenses.
Watch the full presentation here.
Insurtech refers to the use of technology innovations designed to facilitate savings and efficiency from the current insurance industry model. More information about the Digital Insurance Agenda can be found here.