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Publication a must for private companies wishing to set up Public-Private Partnerships

Practical guideline is based on the sound experience of PharmAccess and Partners against AIDS/SIDA-ENTREPRISES.

  • Oct 28, 2011

PharmAccess Foundation and the French association Partenaires against AIDS/SIDA-ENTREPRISES are pleased to announce the launch of their guideline “Developing Public-Private Partnerships to fight HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria”. The practical guideline is based on the organizations’ concrete experience and assists private companies in setting up effective public-private partnerships.

In recent years, the number of Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) addressing public health concerns and particularly the three communicable diseases of HIV, Tuberculosis and Malaria in resource-poor settings has increased exponentially.

PPPs can greatly contribute to addressing development issues and to supporting a private organisation’s engagement, but their success greatly depends on a multitude of factors linked to the development process and structure of the PPP.

In this practical guideline, PharmAccess and Partners against AIDS/-ENTREPRISES have teamed up and capitalized on the sound experience and competencies gained through their years of involvement in developing public health PPPs.

Based on real-life cases and best practices, this unique tool provides a stepwise approach to lead private organizations through the PPP lifecycle while avoiding the most common pitfalls.
The guideline is a must for organizations wishing to set up PPPs to address HIV, Tuberculosis and Malaria but also for any organization involved in other forms of partnerships to advance public health goals.
Click here to download the management summary of the guideline

Download your copy of “Developing Public-Private Partnerships to fight HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria” now by clicking here

A hard copy of the guideline can also be obtained by contacting us:

PharmAccess Foundation:
Phone: +31 (0)20 566 71 58

Phone: +33 (0) 1 46 23 56 72

About Partners against AIDS (PCS)/SIDA-ENTREPRISES:
After several years of operation in France and Africa, the two French organizations Partners Against AIDS (PCS) and SIDA-ENTREPRISES (SE) decided to partner in 2010, pooling together their networks, expertise and projects to assist companies in tackling health issues at the workplace.

Now SIDA-ENTREPRISES provide companies with custom-made assistance in defining their health policies and setting up quality and sustainable health programs. They operate at both levels for local companies/subsidiaries and Group headquarters.

Based on a diversified experience of health programs with companies’ headquarters in France and international/ national companies in Africa, SIDA-ENTREPRISES can provide field assistance to companies, drawing up quality and organizational assessments, providing training and guidance to enhance, adapt or re-launch health programs.

SIDA-ENTREPRISES also offer services to headquarters and companies in Africa wishing to design global health policies – including HIV, TB, Malaria and other chronic pathologies e.g. diabetes, hypertension – and to organize and monitor their implementation at the local level. SIDA-ENTREPRISES can build and enhance companies’ capacities to tackle health issues and to help their subsidiaries engineer the Group’s policy.

For more information about SIDA-ENTREPRISES please