Much progress has been made in the battle against AIDS. Today, over 18 million people infected with HIV are on treatment. But with over 37 million people infected worldwide, just as many still lack access to treatment. This means that the goal should be to more than double the number of patients on treatment in the years to come. Such a massive increase can only be implemented in a better functioning and more effective healthcare system.
PharmAccess is dedicated to inclusive healthcare in sub-Saharan Africa, and focuses on both demand and supply-side interventions to strengthen the healthcare system as a whole. Read more on our history here. One way to bring healthcare within reach of those at the bottom of the pyramid is by making use of the unprecedented possibilities of mobile technology in Africa.
Building on the infrastructure of M-Pesa, PharmAccess is currently pioneering mobile health innovations in sub-Saharan Africa. These center around M-TIBA, an innovative mobile health wallet that allows funds to be not only targeted to a specific demographic, but also ring-fenced for health.
One such pilot in the slums of Nairobi is testing the utilization and cost-effectiveness of paying for HIV/AIDS treatment through a mobile health wallet. The fast-paced developments in this area have huge potential: not only to make healthcare delivery more (cost-)effective, but also to make health markets work for the poor by reaching those who were until recently invisible for governments and donor programs.